The Impervious Wall


I took this picture in June of 2022 on my trip to Israel. These are the crumbling walls of Jerusalem. The picture below is inscribed with writing that indicates it was probably one of the highest points on the Temple, maybe even the point Satan took Jesus during his time of temptation.

The walls surrounding the temple are crumbling. They withstood many challenges from armies and enemies of Israel, but these manmade walls eventually fell and Israel was defeated by the Babylonians. The Nation of Israel was sent into exile, just as Isaiah and other prophets predicted. 

Even today, the temple mount is controlled by the Islamic community. The walls of man have their limits.

When the Prophet Isaiah talked about his strong city in Isaiah 26:1, he was not talking about the strength of the manmade stone walls. He was talking about strength found only in the Lord.

Our City is strong!
We are surrounded by the walls of God's salvation.
Open the gates to all who are righteous; 
allow the faithful to enter.
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock! 
Isaiah 26:1-4

The first twenty-four chapters of Isaiah paint a bleak picture of turmoil, defeat and exile for nearly every nation. Those who have not trusted in the Lord will be defeated. There are no walls strong enough to protect us if we rely upon man instead of God.

Put your trust in the Lord and his walls of salvation will protect you from all attacks, from all enemies. The walls of salvation are impervious to any enemy, enemies of this world, and enemies of Satan. Nothing can stand against the eternal Rock of the Lord God Almighty! 
