Danger Will Robinson!


You youngins won't remember the show, "Lost in Space." (google it) In nearly every episode of this 60's sci-fi television show, "Robot" would shriek the warning "Danger Will Robinson!" Will Robinson was the young boy in the series and as the name indicates, they were lost in space. He was always right and if the family heeded his warning they were able to escape the danger they were facing. If they did NOT heed those warnings they were doomed! LOL!

I found an interesting verse as I started to read the book of Amos today:

"Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)

Is this still true today/ Does God warn us like Robot on the hit television show? 

I assure you God does warn us and he is doing so nearly every day of our lives. He does not want any to perish. Do you? Are you acting like you don't want to lose anyone for eternity? 

"The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent." (2 Peter 3:9)

Jesus came to this earth two thousand years ago. Many expected him to return within a few years after his death, resurrection, and ascension. It didn't happen and people have become complacent. It seems like the end will never come and this lulls us into a type of sleep. As followers of Christ, there is no urgency. We are saved, so we don't go out and share the gospel in the hostile environment of this world. There is no question, it is becoming harder and harder to profess Jesus in the public square. The opposition is growing. It is so much easier to coil up at home with our Bibles in prayer. YET..........

There are signs everywhere that the end is near. For some people that end is TODAY! We should all be shouting "DANGER WILL ROBINSON! COME TO JESUS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!" We should have the same attitude expressed in 2 Peter. I can make a list right now of dear family, friends, and community members who have not professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I moan that they will not join me in paradise. I cry when they refuse to heed the warnings! 

Please, Lord, be patient a little longer while we continue to bring more to your saving grace! Come on people, the time is NOW!
