What do you think about this quote?
"The Church does not exist to entertain the saved. It exists to train disciples, glorify God, and reach the lost!"
I love my Church. Truly, I have gotten to see some of the inner workings over the past 15 years and I am confident in saying my Church is focused on Jesus. I attend a big church. We have lights, a great praise band, and always a great message. We have resources that many small churches don't have and when I read this quote, I wonder if some traditionalists would CLAIM our church is focused on "ENTERTAINMENT?"
Do you want to know my problem with this quote? It appears, behind the words, you cannot have both? Is that true?
I bring this up, because of what I read today in Ezekiel 33:31-33
"So my people come pretending to be sincere and sit before you. They listen to your words, but they have no intention of doing what you say. Their mouths are full of lustful words, and their hearts seek only after money. You are very entertaining to them, like someone who sings love songs with a beautiful voice or plays fine music on an instrument. They hear what you say, but they don't act on it! But when all these terrible things happen to them -- as they certainly will -- then they will know a prophet has been among them." (Ezekiel 33:31-33)
So, what is the alternative? Is the church to vehemently stay away from anything that could be construed as entertainment?
What is your definition of entertainment? Entertainment is defined as an event, performance, or activity designed to provide amusement or enjoyment.
When my Mom played the organ at church, or when we had "special music" performed by talented people, back in the day, I greatly enjoyed it. When I sing an old-time hymn, I greatly enjoy it. When I sing modern praise songs, I also enjoy them. I love a WIDE VARIETY OF WORSHIP STYLES.
I am hoping when people criticize a church for focusing on entertainment, they are not talking about the quality of the music, the passion of the pastor, or the public display of the movement of the Holy Spirit. I hope they KNOW THE HEARTS of those leading the worship. Isn't that the issue? Aren't the motives of the leaders the key point? What part do the people in the congregation play? Where are their hearts? God wasn't criticizing Ezekiel for being entertaining. He was criticizing the people for coming with the wrong motives, with hearts and mouths that were far from him. Is the church to remove any "entertainment" to keep people from attending with the wrong motives? Is that really possible?
A church that has a sincere heart, shares the powerful word of God straight from scripture, praises Him with every part of their being, and provides quality worship, should not be so quickly criticized. A church that provides an entertaining service is NOT an enemy of God, they are reaching out to a very specific group of lost people and they ARE making disciples. If it is not what you prefer, quietly find another church. We have so many wonderful choices. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. We are NOT affected the same way by worship and just because someone doesn't like YOUR style, doesn't make it wrong! On the other hand, if a church does not accurately spread the TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST through their words and deeds, if it is not training disciples, if it is not reaching the lost, PLEASE FIND SOME PLACE THAT DOES! But, the judgment should NOT be because they are providing an ENTERTAINING WORSHIP EXPERIENCE!
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