Loving someone who doesn't love you!


The story of Hosea and Gomer is such a strange story to me. Hosea marries a prostitute at the direction of God. God tells Hosea that Gomer will not be faithful to him. Then has a couple of children with very unflattering names. Gomer leaves Hosea to live a life of promiscuity. Hosea goes after her and buys her back even though she has left him, had other men, and was unrepentant. 

Hosea is such an honorable, obedient servant of the Lord. But, my question...... Did Hosea love Gomer?

Look at Hosea 3:1

"Then the Lord said to me, "Go and love your wife again, even though she commits adultery with another lover. This will illustrate that the Lord still loves Israel, even though people have turned to other gods and love to worship them."

God tells Hosea to LOVE his wife AGAIN. This is not sexual love because, in the next verse, Hosea buys his wife back and tells her he will not have sexual relations with her. This is not just a loveless arranged marriage. Hosea loved Gomer and she did not return that love unless she wanted something. 

God brought these two people together as he brought many people together. The big difference, Hosea was told ahead of time that Gomer would be unfaithful and God told him to still love her. God loved Israel the same way. He loved Israel even when Israel didn't love him. As a matter of fact, they rejected him.

How many people experience this today?

I know this story is an illustration of Israel's rejection of God. Yet, I also think it has implications in our lives today. There are many people in our world who love someone dearly, but that person refuses to love them back and even rejects them. This is certainly true for some husbands and wives. It is also true for some kids and their parents. This is true for some former friends. One-sided love is painful, like hugging a cactus! Yet, love cannot be forced, no matter how hard we try. 

God built LOVE to be a choice. He gave us the ability to love him or reject him. If it were any other way, it would not be love. AND yes, it pains him deeply when we do not return his unconditional love. Hosea's love for Gomer was also unconditional. Hosea accepted Gomer's return with no questions. God will accept your return the same way. He will never bring it up. He will lavish you as if you had never left. His love is never-ending and never-changing, regardless of our pursuit of other gods, material things, career, power, or fame. He just wants you!

Have you rejected God in your past? Try turning to him again. You will not be disappointed. You will be amazed at his faithful love!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! HIS FAITHFUL LOVE ENDURES FOREVER." (Psalm 135:1, emphasis added)
