I hate asking for money......


Yes, I hate asking for support for our ministry. BUT, God has called us to serve, and in order to do that I am also called to ask for YOUR help. As I am sure you can tell by all the requests on social media, TODAY IS THE DAY OF GIVING. Our ministry receives 40% of our financial support in the month of December. SO, as we head toward the end of November we are asking for your financial support. 


Stephanie and I were called to provide a comfortable, non-confrontational, no-pressure setting for people to learn about God through exploring scripture. We want people to ask questions and we use the Bible and our experiences to answer those questions. AND we want other Christians to join us in doing the exact same thing. That is our TWO-PART mission:

Reach people that have questions about God, but do not feel comfortable in traditional church.


Teach fellow believers how to reach out to people who are curious about God.


We have a monthly budget of $1600 to cover our ministry, building lease, utilities, and expenses of doing ministry. Those expenses include travel to our meeting groups, meals we provide for our groups, Bibles (we give each participant a complete Study Bible), and emergency relief for those in need. This year the money has helped participate in a local senior citizens fair, the Bluffton Street Fair, and other community activities. We have been able to help a homeless family, and neighbors in downtown Bluffton that need our help. We have planted seeds of the gospel praying for many people and provided a place where the community of Bluffton knows who we are and what we are doing! We have three full-time groups meeting on a regular basis and plan to start a weekly worship service on Saturday evenings. We are also working at providing resources for the needy including starting a non-profit business to provide additional funds for those in need!

This money is NOT for our personal expenses. We do NOT receive any money from these donations for living expenses. We pay all our own expenses for housing, utilities, medical, transportation, etc.

ALL our financial support goes through Missionary Ventures, a missionary organization that has missionaries all around the world. They accept all donations and when you "preference" your donation to Steve and Stephanie Rhoades, those finances are distributed to us on a monthly basis. WE ARE MISSIONARIES!!!!!!! We do not ask for money from those we are ministering to. 

Please use the link below to find our Missionary Ventures page and as always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have questions. You can give a one-time donation or join us with monthly donations which really helps us plan ahead. Just scroll down the page to and open the tab that says "Give - Missionary Support" 

Click here for the DONATION LINK!

If you do not feel you can support us financially, please pray for us. Please pray that God will continue to use us to reach the lost in Northeast Indiana and that he will provide all the resources we need. We also want to thank the churches, and individuals that continue to support us with gifts and prayers. YOU ARE OUR PARTNERS IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL!!!!!!

"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began a good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart." (Philippians 1:3-7a)

We love our community and love that God has called us to serve! Please Support Us!
