My problem with Christmas!
Ha! Got your attention! There is no question I love Thanksgiving. Although it started with the Pilgrims and their thanks for a bountiful harvest, thanks to the native Indians, it is really not centered around an event like most of our Holidays. It is centered around an attitude, a life focus, a reminder to be thankful for the many blessings we receive. It is hard to corrupt Thanksgiving, although we have tried. Adding Football, massive amounts of food can be a distraction on the true meaning, but for the most part the name carries its meaning to most people! Memorial day is another similarly untarnished Holiday.
That brings me to my problem with Christmas. It has been so corrupted with secularism that it is nearly unrecognizable. When Xmas is used to describe Christmas, I cringe. Even though the "X" in Christmas is one of the symbols for Christ, it just reminds me that we too often remove Christ from Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I have very fond memories of Christmas with my family as a kid and even more so as a Father and Grandfather. But, the brith of Jesus is only a side story in the modern celebration. In the idillic scene posted above, there is nothing to hint at God coming down to live with us and entering this sinful world in the form of a baby.
Yes, Santa giving selflessly is a good role model. Yes, the lights on the tree can represent the light that Jesus brought to the world. Yes, giving gifts speaks to the amazing gift Jesus gave on the cross for us. Yet, I often wonder how often we make sure our kids, grandkids, and families make those connections.
I just finished Malachi and the end of the Old Testament today. This prophet strikes a great balance between warnings of the coming judgment and the hope of the coming Savior! For the next 400 years Israel anticipated their coming Messiah. Here is what Malachi shared closing out the Old Testament!
"But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. On the day when I act, you will tread upon the wicked as if they were dust under your feet, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies." (Malachi 4:2)
Christmas is a magical time of the year. That magic comes because of God deciding to humble himself and come to earth as a human, to live with us and promote peace and good will. Don't lose that message of this amazing gift in the hustle and bustle of Christmas decorating, shopping, Santa, elves, and reindeer!
Well, I have a lot of decorating to do and YES, I am listening to my favorite Christmas Music on WBCL. Nearly all of that music constantly reminds me of the REAL reason for the season. To listen to WBCL's Christmas station on the air, tune to 103.9 over the air, or you can stream it on the WBCL Christmas app or on Alexa. LET THE CELEBRATION OF JESUS BIRTH BEGIN!!!!!!!!!
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