Thankful for the little things!


I LOVE THE THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY!  To most people who know me, this is not news! LOL! I have been accused of being a Scrooge because I refuse to put up Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving. I love celebrating the birth of Jesus, but I love the purity of Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, Christmas has been taken over by Santa Claus, Snowmen, presents, Christmas trees, shiny lights, and commercialism. Thanksgiving is hard to commandeer like Christmas. It is hard to make a "quick buck" off of being thankful, although some have tried!

As I was reading Micah today, I just got an overwhelming joy from reading about little Bethlehem. Yes, I know that really sounds Christmasy! Here is the famous verse from Micah:

"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler whose origins are in the distant past, will come from you on my behalf." (Micah 5:2)

I visited Bethlehem. This modern city blends into Jerusalem, but even on the outskirts of this metro area are places where sheep wander today. Back in the first century, it was far from Jerusalem and it was small. Yet, our savior was born there. Who would pick out such a small place for the savior to enter the world? Well...... only the Creator of the Universe. It may seem silly but I am thankful God didn't choose some big flashy city to make his entry into our world.

Bethlehem gives me great cause to celebrate. God does not choose the mighty, the powerful, the famous, the big, to do his work. He chooses the lowly, the oppressed, the poor, and little towns in the midwest of the United States. Every day I am humbled by his calling to do his work, even here in little Bluffton, Indiana. This town is amazing to me, but in the grand scheme of things it is about like Bethlehem in the first century. It is unremarkable. Just like me!

Another verse in Micah that struck me today goes along with the first. 

"No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)

God doesn't demand flashy sacrifices, tons of money, or other hard-to-achieve goals. All he wants from us is that we do what is right, love mercy, and walk with him as his humble servant. These are the demands of the Creator God! It is not much. I am so thankful for the little things and that God chooses the small things to make big impacts for His Kingdom. I am thankful God has chosen me, me of all people! That is cause to celebrate and to give THANKS this month!!!!!!!!! (Then we can celebrate the coming of His Son!)

Have a great day serving the Lord. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO HIM; wherever you serve, whatever you do, he has CHOSEN YOU to be his child! PRAISE GOD WITH JOY AND THANKSGIVING!
