Yep, I'm Bald!
Ok, I have a confession. YES, I AM BALD. I know this seems like a ridiculous confession, but I have never admitted it. I have always claimed I was bald by choice. Yet, as the years have gone by, it has become more obvious that my choice of growing hair has passed me! LOL!
You might ask why I bring this up. I was reminded of my baldness in the book of Micah.
"O, people of Judah, shave your heads with sorrow, for the children you love will be snatched away. Make yourselves as bald as a vulture, for your little ones will be exiled to distant lands." (Micah 1:16)
I do have genuine sorrow over my land, my country, and all that is happening around the world. I am so saddened by the aggressive rejection of Jesus Christ and the outright hostility we see to the gospel. It is at a level never seen before. But, that is not the reason for my baldness.
They do say people lose their hair because of stress and I could blame my hair loss on my daughters or the above-mentioned state of world affairs. I am not sure that is true!
Another key thought I get from reading the book of Micah is the idea that our nation(s) lack good leadership. Listen to these verses:
"I said, 'Listen, you leaders of Israel! You are supposed to know right from wrong, but you are the very ones who hate good and love evil.'" (Micah 3:1-2a)
Today is election day. When I vote for an official I expect that leader to know right from wrong and to pursue what is right. It seems that is not true on a more regular basis. Washington DC and even our State legislatures have turned into profit centers for the wealthy and they contribute to the powerful. I believe most of our elected officials enter the fray for good reason. Ironically, it was a 19th century British politician, Lord Acton who stated, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This phrase is not Biblical, but it does have many examples throughout the Old and New Testament where it is confirmed. Even the great King David, was corrupted by his power in his relationship with Bathsheba.
If I had hair, I might shave it off following the Old Testament tradition because I am mourning our country, the state of affairs in politics, and those who seek power in our society. It is the lowly, the powerless, the oppressed, the poor, that need our love the most and we as followers of Jesus, need to direct them to the only one who can truly save them......... Jesus Christ! Yet, we cannot forget those who have been given the opportunity to lead us. We must constantly pray for our leaders and pray they find the real answers through Jesus Christ!
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