2024 - No more putting off today what you can do tomorrow!
I am not a procrastinator. I hate stress and while I was a student, early on in my life, I learned that getting an assignment done early relieved a lot of stress. I don't put things off to tomorrow! I know MANY people that are exactly the opposite.
As I read Revelations 6 today, my stress level rose considerably. Just the thought of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" sends chills up my spine. I couldn't help but think, "COME ON PEOPLE! GET SAVED TODAY, DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! YOUR PROCRASTINATION MIGHT HAVE ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES!"
"Then everyone -- the kings of the earth, the rulers, the generals, the wealthy, the powerful, and every slave and free person -- all hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. And they cried to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to survive?'" (Revelation 6:15-17)
Again, as we read about the riders, we do not know exactly what the symbolism represents. It is clear, it is not good. The first rider has been described by many to be the "Anti-Christ" who comes to reign. At first he looks like a hero, but the disasterous results are found in the following judgments. Whether that is true or not, he is associated with a lot of pain and suffering and NO ONE WILL BE EXEMPT FROM THE PAIN AND SUFFERING. The other four horsemen and the opening of the remaining seals of judgment represent sin, war, conquest, famine, death, martyrdom, and cosmic disasters. (It sounds a lot like the news headlines today!) YES, the ultimate wrath of God for those who reject him.
When is this going to take place? No one knows! Ever since the days of Jesus his followers thought the events were going to happen in their lifetime. I am sure the destruction and death in Jerusalem around 70AD was a sign most people would say "THE END IS NEAR!" Since that time we have had terrible wars, ruthless leaders who claimed to be godlike, famine, plagues (think Covid), martyrdom, terrible battles between the rich and poor, oppression, discrimination, and cataclysmic natural disasters. Yet, the end, Jesus return, still eludes us.
SO, it is natural to put off today what you can do tomorrow. Pain and destruction have been around since Adam and Eve invited it into this world. Don't put off until tomorrow committing your life to Jesus! PLEASE I BEG YOU, the time is near and for some people that end might be today. Jesus might come tonight or it might be another 1000 years. The point is, how long are you going to test God's patience? How long are you going to press your luck. Besides eternal consequences, there are real consequences right now, if you choose not to follow Jesus.
Choose HIM today! If you want to see what you are facing, maybe even in 2024, read Revelations Chapter 6! I pray that today you make the best decision of your life before you start another year! You will not be disappointed!
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