Living the Dream!
If you could live a life where money was not a problem, where would you live? What house would you buy,? car? clothes? What is your DREAM LIFE?
Luxury items have a huge market worldwide. I was a little surprised that the United States does not lead in purchasing luxury items? South Korea is number one! They spend on average $325 USD per person on luxury items annually. The United States spends an average of $280 USD per person and China is third spending only $55 USD per person. The market for high end, pricey "stuff" continues to grow.
As I was reading chapter 17/18 in Revelation today the focus was on the pouring out of the 7 bowls of God's wrath toward Babylon. Most scholars believe John was talking about the Roman Empire when he was writing about Babylon. In his vision, the great Roman Empire would fall and the world that willingly joined their empire, would also fall. This prediction from John's vision would have been quite shocking. Yet, the Roman Empire no longer exists.
Is the United States headed the same direction?
Don't get me wrong. I love the ideals that founded our country. I strongly believe the Freedoms we have and the government we have are the best in the world. But, we have a problem. In order for democracy and free enterprise to work in a healthy way, we must have a moral center, a Christian based work ethic. That is our problem. The excessive consumption of luxury items, being fixated on acquisition of goods, can corrupt even the highest ideals. Our morality is tied to material things instead of seeking the things of God, the betterment of mankind!
So if we look at why Rome fell, can we learn something about our own situation today? Revelation 18 gives reasons for Rome's demise:
"Babylon is fallen -- that great city is fallen! She has become a home for demons. She is a hideout for every foul spirit, a hideout for every foul vulture and every foul and dreadful animal. For all the nations have fallen because of the wine of her passionate immorality." (Revelation 18:1)
"And the kings of the world who committed adultery with her and enjoyed her great luxury will mourn for her as they see the smoke rising from her charred remains. "How terrible, how terrible for you, O Babylon, you great city! In a single moment God's judgment came on you!" (Revelation 18:9,10)
"Babylon" fell because she was so consumed with herself, her luxury, he wealth, her status, and her power. She discarded God for fancy things, splendor and her own happiness. Doesn't that sound a lot like our nation today? Look at the headlines today. How many of our "great leaders" spent time in luxury with a known pedophile? How many of our corporate power brokers used their influence and money to buy sex, and live an entirely sin-filled lifestyle? This is exactly why God poured his wrath upon Rome. They were self-absorbed and pleasure was their goal.
In Revelation 18:4 gives us some advice: "Come away from her, my people. Do not partake in her sins, or you will be punished with her. For her sins are piled as high as heaven, and God remembers her evil deeds."
As God's holy people we are called to live a life SET APART, HOLY, from the rest of the world. We are called to live a simple life, not consumed by luxury, but consumed by serving others. We are called to use our GOD GIVEN WEALTH as a tool for helping others who have difficulty even receiving the basics of life. We are called to avoid the traps of acquiring stuff and feeding our selfish desires.
Our dreams should be of loving God and loving others! What are your dreams?
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