My Old Truck!
I drive a 1997 Chevy S10 pickup truck. The picture is of its "good side." It looks great. When I went to buy this truck, that was the side shown in all the pictures. The other side of the truck doesn't look so great. I felt a little deceived by the online marketing and I made sure I told the salesman. But, I loved the truck and it was just what I was looking for. I got it for a good price and it has been reliable ever since.
I am beyond the need to drive a flashy new vehicle. Our main vehicle is a 2015 Chevy Suburban with over 200,000 miles. It still looks good, but we have replaced the transmission and it has a new motor. It's not new and flashy either. For so many years, I wanted NEW. I always bought new cars. But now, I am beyond trying to impress anyone. Vehicles aren't status for me like they used to be. Jobs, Careers, new clothes, and big fancy homes aren't important to me either. I love my 27-year-old little pick up truck with the faded paint, the sagging seat, and the cracked dashboard.
Today I read the first three chapters of Isaiah. In this vision to the prophet, he talks about the rebellion of Judah. He proclaims the Lord's anger with the nation. God's people were rescued from Egypt, taken to the promised land, and given all they could ever imagine, but their hearts were not with God. They were just going through the paces with no heart for the Lord. They loved their status, their beautiful new gadgets, their power, and their position. They didn't love the Lord.
Isaiah was warning about a day of judgment:
"On the day of judgment the Lord will strip away everything that makes her beautiful: ornaments, headbands, crescent necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and veils; scarves, ankle bracelets, sashes, perfumes, and charms; rings, jewels, party clothes, gowns, capes, and purses; head ornaments and shaws. Instead of smelling like sweet perfume, she will stink. She will wear rope for a sash, and her elegant hair will fall out. She will wear rough burlap instead of rich robes. Shame will replace her beauty. The men of the city will. be killed with the sword and her warriors will die in battle. The gates of Zion will weep and mourn. The city will be like a ravaged woman, huddled on the ground." (Isaiah 3:18-26)
What is really important in your life?
On the day of judgment all the things the world views as important will mean nothing. Beauty, new cars, big beautiful homes, prestigious jobs, and all your material belongings will be useless. Where does God fit into your priorities?
God should be your priority above all else. Loving the Lord, serving his people, are the things that matter now and on the final day of judgment. Don't wait until its too late to change your priorities from the new and flashy to the one who is older than time itself!
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength!
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