Stirring up trouble!


Do you know people who LIVE for stirring up trouble?

As we head into the fierce presidential election cycle of 2024, I am bracing myself for the "stir-sticks!"

With a country filled with hate and division, the political pundits of most major news networks would qualify as "stir-sticks." While the news in the good-ole days used to be unbiased and fact-based, today it is nothing more than sensationalism, gossip, and stirring the pot! The push for viewership and ratings drives the machine! The goal is not reporting the facts, the goal is to dominate the headlines. Politicians looking to separate them from the crowd feed into this frenzy and over the next 11 months we will face a sad deterioration of our morals and ethics. 

But it's not just news media that stirs the pot. Especially on Social media, your family, your friends, and community members also have a tendency to stir the pot. I read social media posts from my Christian friends and family and think, "What were they thinking?"

Let's read 2 Kings 14 and see what was happening nearly three thousand years ago:

"You have indeed defeated Edom, and you are proud of it. But be content with our victory and stay home! Why stir up trouble that will only bring disaster on you and the people of Judah?" (2 Kings 14:10)

Amaziah had just come off a major victory against Edom and his chest was puffed up with pride thinking he could do the same with Israel. He challenged Israel without the blessing of the Lord. Even the king of Israel tried to warn him, but his arrogance and confidence blinded him. The Kings of Judah did some good things. But, they also had times when their pride got in the way. Doesn't that sound a lot like our politicians or social media types? Pride and Arrogance are a dagger for most people. We are never satisfied and we always seek more power and more prestige. 

What about you? How content are you? How is your pride? As a faithful follower of Jesus, we will see success. We will see victory. How we handle victory is just as, or more important, than how we handle defeat. As we enter into this year of wild presidential politics, my advice to you is to keep your opinions to yourself. Using social media as a platform to express your political views, your pleasure, or your displeasure with one political party or candidate just STIRS THE POT! 

Have you ever thought about praying over your posts before posting them? Have you ever consulted a trusted Christian friend asking them to review your thoughts before sharing? Maybe you should run all your posts through this filter: "How will my post help me share the message of the Gospel?" or maybe you should ask, "How does my post show love for my enemy?" What is your motivation for posting a negative divisive post? Are you trying to change people's opinions on social media? How effective is that approach? Have you ever argued anyone into changing their mind, especially on political issues?

Maybe all you're really doing is stirring the pot, stirring up trouble? 

Amaziah was soundly defeated and lived the rest of his life a defeated man, just because he was stirring the pot!
