Are we an Exclusive Club!

 I've never been a part of any "exclusive club" and I don't have any plans to do so. I read that some of these exclusive clubs have membership fees up to $15,000. I don't understand the thought process someone goes through to join an exclusive club or organization. The closest I come to club membership is my CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association) family and we are very careful to make sure people know we are NOT an exclusive club. As I was reading Isaiah 14 today, I was thinking about churches and the sometimes "club" type atmosphere. 

"But the Lord will have mercy on the descendants of Jacob. He will choose Israel as his special people once again. He will bring them back to settle once again in their own land. And people from many different nations will come and join them there and unite with the people of Israel." (Isaiah 14:1)

This prophecy from Isaiah talked about an open atmosphere where ALL people were invited to God's house. This non-exclusive membership to the family of Israel was not realized until Jesus. Peter wrote in his first letter, in a matter-of-fact way, that the Gentiles were included in God's chosen people. He says, "God knew you and chose you" just like Israel. (1 Peter 1:1) He includes the Gentiles as heirs to the kingdom, just like Israel. (1 Peter 1:4) He said the message from the prophets was for the Gentiles, just like Israel. (1 Peter 1:10) When Jesus walked the earth barriers were removed from women, slaves, the sick, the poor, the disenfranchised, and the oppressed people of society. 

"For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. And now that you belong to Christ, you are true children of Abraham. You are his heirs and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you." (Galatians 3:26-29)

Now, here we are 2000 years after Jesus and I ask you a question. Are we an exclusive club? Do you have to dress like us, live like us, talk like us, or have the same economic standing to join our "exclusive club?" I sometimes think the church and other "Christian organizations" act like they are an exclusive club. How open is your ministry or your church to outsiders? Can sinners join? Our response is, obviously, yes. We are all sinners so "YES" sinners are allowed to join. But, are sinners that sin differently than you allowed to join your group, your church?

As members of God's family, we must be cautious and resist throwing barriers in front of people who want to join us. God wants us to come to him. He wants us to join the club so that we might be transformed into his likeness. The process of change is sometimes slow, yet we need to make sure we are open to seeing that change occurs through the power of the Holy Spirit! Many of the barriers to membership are created with good intentions, but in effect, they make it difficult for people to come to know Jesus. I urge caution and constant evaluation of who we are. ARE WE AN EXCLUSIVE CLUB?
