Looking into the Future: What's he up to?
I hope it is not a surprise to you. I don't believe in people being able to see into the future. At least I don't believe in the hocus-pocus, card reading, palm reading, crystal ball type frauds. I know those are harsh words. I believe GOD alone holds the future and he reveals the future to his servants and his followers. He doesn't reveal everything to us, but IF he is going to reveal the future, he will use his faithful servants.
I am continuing my Bible Study in Luke using Lisa Harper's study, "Luke: Gut-level Compassion," as my guide. Here is a link if you are interested in this study. I love the story that Lisa tells of adopting her daughter. She adopted a baby from Haiti who was born with some severe medical issues. But, thirty-plus years before this adoption, she as a teenager vowed to adopt. It is amazing how that future came true through all of Lisa's life trials and faith. She tied this event with the story of Simeon and Anna in Luke 2.
This little story after the spectacular birth of Jesus is kind of obscure and hidden, overshadowed by Bethlehem, wisemen, shepherds, and angels. It is such a great story.
"At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel.... That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, 'Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!'" (Luke 2:25-32)
He goes on to predict Jesus' place holding people accountable for their faith and that many will oppose him. While he was speaking Anna, a prophet of the Lord, saw and heard what was happening. She starts praising God and then she becomes the first evangelist,
"She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem."(Luke 2:38)
The future was revealed to them. It was not revealed because they had some magical power. The future was revealed because of their long relationship with God. We don't know Simeon's age, but we know he was nearing the end of his life. We know that Anna was probably somewhere between 95 and 100 years old. Both of these faithful believers had devoted decades to following God. They knew scripture and were anxiously anticipating the arrival of the Messiah. They were looking for God to act.
Since the beginning of 2024, God has been very active in my life and in the ministry of "the meeting place." I am confident that God will act in my life. I have seen it in the past and I KNOW it will happen again. I do not need to know all the details. Just like Simeon and Anna, I am anxiously awaiting what is next. I wait in joyful anticipation for how God will grow this ministry. I pray for it and I have received and answered a call to ministry. Just this little bit of obedience, faith as big as a mustard seed, guarantees a great future. He has shown some great glimpses of what will happen next and I would love to know all the exciting things that are going to happen this week, next month, next year, or twenty years from now. Yet, as I trust the Lord, knowing the future isn't nearly as fun as expectantly waiting for God to act!
What's he up to? I really don't know, but I am excited to see the future unfold!
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