Why would Jesus choose Me - a Nobody!


Today is a special day for two reasons! 

#1 - I am starting a new, different kind of study for me. My grandson, Klayton, and his wife Keegan got me this Bible Study for Christmas. I have been finishing up my ordination study and now, for the next 8 days, I will be going through this study. So far (the first session) is really good. I enjoy Lisa's way of weaving story and modernity into the gospel message. I will wait to give my final review AFTER I finish. But, so far so good. If you are interested in this study, here is a link: Luke - Gut-level compassion by Lisa Harper

#2 - Today is a very special day in my life, walking with Jesus. Two years ago, last night, I had a very specific vision about "the meeting place." For those that don't know the story, I am still amazed at what God did and is doing. The reader's digest version is this: I had a dream/vision where God took me into a building where I saw people studying the Bible. As I walked through this building I went up a set of stairs into an upstairs apartment. I could tell this place was our apartment (Stephanie and I) because all our stuff was in there. As I stood out in front of this building I recognized where it was. It was located in dowtown Bluffton, Indiana. 

I woke up the next morning, exactly two years ago this morning, and had no idea what to think. Stephanie and I were making plans to go to Germany to be missionaries. Ten days later, Stephanie and I left central Florida to head back home for our grandson's senior night in basketball. The day before we came home, I secretly went to Bluffton to check out this building. I pulled up in front of the building here at 115 East Market Street in Bluffton and there was a sign that said for rent. It had a phone number so I called it. I asked the man who answered if the building was for rent. He replied that it was. I then asked if there also happened to be an apartment upstairs for rent. He hesitated and said, yes there was. He asked me if I want to go in and see it. I said yes, but that I was leaving to head home to Florida the next day. He then told me there was someone there right now. (I just about couldn't believe it.) 

I went in to see the building and the apartment and it was identical as my dream/vision. The stairs were the same, the apartment was the same, and it was clear that God was directing Stephanie and I to start a ministry in Bluffton.

So, here we are! Two years later our ministry, reaching out to those not comfortable with traditional church, is growing and I am completely amazed at what God has done and continues to do!

SO, what does this have to do with today's Bible Study from Lisa Harper?

In the opening video associated with lesson 1, Lisa makes a statement that "Jesus has a thing for losers." WOW! I couldn't agree more. AND, to borrow a claim from Paul, I am the chief loser! 

"This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners' -- and I am the worst of them all." (1 Timothy 1:15)

I am a nobody and how Jesus Christ chose ME to give this ministry is a great mystery. I am humbled and I am blessed. 

Lisa went on to talk about Luke, being a loser of sorts. He is the only gentile writer, that we know of, in the Bible. Jesus chose outcasts and losers. He chose women, not to just cook and clean, but to be main pieces of his gospel message:

"Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of nearby towns and villages, preachign and annoucing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him, along with some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases. Among them were Mary Magdalene, from whom he cast out seven demons; Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's business manager; Susanna; and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support Jesus and his disciples." (Luke 8:1-3)

Women in the first century were property, Jesus elevated them in all of scripture. They were outcasts and nobodies in Israel. His disciples were tax collectors, fishermen, women, and the nobodies of society. I am also a nobody! I am a retired school teacher with plenty of quirks, oddities, and SINS. I can look back on my life and ask, 


I don't understand it and never will. BUT, I will also serve him with my last breath. He chose me and I will follow him, doing my best, flawed that it may be, to help others come to know my Savior. Thank you Jesus for this amazing journey!
