First Things First (repost March 2020)
'“Let’s go across to the outpost of those
pagans,” Jonathan said to his armorbearer. “Perhaps the Lord will help us,
for nothing can hinder the Lord . He
can win a battle whether he has
many warriors or only a few!”' 1 Samuel 14:6
We live in such a FAST-PACED society. I am so thankful that retirement and spending time as a "Snow-bird" has given Stephanie and I SOME time to rest. It has been great for us to have at least a LITTLE bit of a slower-paced life. During our time, we have been able to get plenty sleep, time in prayer, and more time to study God's word. We have been praying earnestly for our families and for Gods plans for us. We don't want to jump into anything that is NOT the will of our Lord. So, we have been taking our time putting plans together for this upcoming year.
Saul's son Jonathan sets a great example. He and his buddy were about to attack the Philistines, on their own. That was a crazy thought. But, he knew if the Lord was with him, NOTHING would be impossible. He prayed about it AND he left the final decision to the Lord.
'Then said Jonathan, Behold, we will
pass over unto these men, and we
will discover ourselves unto them.
If they say thus unto us, Tarry until
we come to you; then we will stand
still in our place, and will not go up
unto them. But if they say thus,
Come up unto us; then we will go
up: for the Lord hath delivered them
into our hand: and this shall be a sign
unto us. ' 1 Samuel 14:8-10
Saul on the other hand always thought of asking God as an AFTER THOUGHT. He made some crazy oaths. He starved his troops out of selfishness and he nearly killed his own son because of his pride. He relied on his own wits and skills over the power of the Creator of the Universe. If it weren't for faithful followers like Jonathan, Israel would have been slaughtered. He went to God first. He didn't let the rush or the stress of battle to keep him from consulting GOD. He only wanted to take actions that were BLESSED by the Lord.
What about you? Are you taking time in prayer? Do you consult the Lord BEFORE al your decisions? If you truly have turned your life to him, how do you make decisions without his wisdom. Never make a snap decision without God. Never make plans unless you have gone to him in deep prayer. Don't rush your way through life. Put FIRST THINGS FIRST. God should be your ONLY THOUGHT, not and AFTER THOUGHT.
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