Evacuation Plan


You only have fifteen minutes to pack to EVACUATE your home permanently, and you can only pack the things you can carry with you. Pretend you have no guarantee where you would spend the night, food, or clothing? What do you pack? What are the most important things to take with you?

I can just imagine I would be in full panic mode. I would have to take my cell phone and chargers because so much of my information is available on my phone. But that cell phone becomes completely useless after the battery runs out. Clothes would be important, and I would try to grab about two changes of clothes. I would also take a really good coat/jacket to keep the elements off me, depending on what time of year I would evacuate. Food? Right now, I have a box of granola bars in the cupboard that would hold me for a little while until I could get food. It would probably be more important to pack a good knife, a tarp, rope, matches, an axe, and something to collect water. 

I wonder how many people would take their Bible? Most people have Bibles on their cell phones, but if you are away from electricity for any period of time or in a shelter where there might not be adequate places to charge a phone, you might not have online access any time soon. So, how important is the word of God to you?

My mind started thinking about this EVACUATION PLAN after reading Ezekiel 12:

"SO now, son of man, pretend you are being sent into exile. Pack the few items an exile would carry, and leave your home to go somewhere else. Do this right in front of the people so they can see you. For perhaps they will pay attention to this, even though they are such rebels." (Ezekiel 12:3)

Ezekiel was supposed to pack things that were important to him as if he were being exiled. He was setting an example for Israel and illustrating what was about to take place. Unfortunately, most of them did not take him seriously and make a plan. Eventually, their lives were completely uprooted, and they WERE evacuated to Babylon. 

I am sure my friends who are permanently living in Florida have thought this through because this often happens during hurricanes.  While it is a possibility here in Bluffton, I certainly am NOT ready for a quick evacuation. 

As I am quickly thinking through all the scenarios, I am convincing myself the Bible would be a very valuable tool for many reasons. The word of God is a great comfort in times of trial. Having his word is so important to help keep us focused during times of stress. The Bible is filled with inspiring stories about how people have overcome terrible barriers and storms. The greatest story of victory is how Jesus overcame death on the cross! God's word is such an important part of my life. While I cannot say in a panic situation I would think about it, if I didn't have it, I would truly miss it. 

Even if we are not faced with an imminent evacuation, what priority do we place on studying God's word? Most people claim they don't have enough time. Work, family, extracurricular activities, and sleep fill our days. We are left with very little time for God. It is so much easier NOW, in retirement. Trust me, I did not make it much of a priority until later in my life. Now, I cannot imagine a day without God's word soaking into my heart, and I cannot imagine a day without extended time in prayer. 

I pray that the Lord will keep me and my family safe and protect us from all evil and harm. But, when trials are suddenly thrust upon us, who should we go?

"I look up to the mountains -- does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night. The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." (Psalm 121)

Rely upon the Lord when you have plenty and rely upon the Lord when emergencies arise. Don't forget him in the heat of an emergency. He will always be there for you. We will take great comfort in him when the world is crumbling around us. Give your life to him. He is with those who trust in him!
