Yes, summer time is here. Well, the weather was warmer last week. BUT, Memorial Day is in our rearview mirror and Stephanie is home for the next couple of months. To ME, that is the definition of SUMMER. I love the sun and the warmth of summertime. After our retirement I thought I would never have to see another cold day, or snow! God had different plans.
Some people might classify me as a "Sun Worshipper" but I prefer the term "SON Worshipper!" I love the sun, but I do NOT worship the sun, even though I love the warmth. But are there other things that capture my heart and my mind that I do worship besides God? Things that push out God and allow sin to fill my life?
Today I was reading in Ezekiel about Idol worship. If you ask people today if they are idol worshippers they would probably deny it. But just like ancient Israel, idols don't have to be statues of objects:
"Then some of the leaders of Israel visited me, and while they were sitting with me, this message came to me from the Lord: 'Son of man, these leaders have set up idols in their hearts. They have embraced things that will make them fall into sin. Why should I listen to their requests? Tell them, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: The people of Israel have set up idols in their hearts and fallen into sin, and then they go to a prophet asking for a message. So, I the Lord, will give them the kind of answer their great idolatry deserves. I will do this to capture the minds and hearts of all my people who have turned from me to worship their detestable idols. Therefore, tell the people of Israel, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Repent and turn away from your idols, and stop your detestable sins." (Ezekiel 14:1-6, emphasis added)
Have you set up idols in your heart and your mind?
Think about it.
What do you spend more time thinking about, God or your favorite baseball team? Do you focus more on your 9-5 than you do worshipping of Jesus? How much time do you pray compared to how much time you spend on social media? So, do you have idols in your heart that capture your mind? Maybe your idol is gardening. Gardening is not a bad thing, but does it leave time for Jesus? Riding your motorcycle is relaxing and enjoyable, does it remove your focus on things from above? Maybe you play games on your phone and yet, claim you have no time to pray, study God's word, or worship him. Maybe you have some addiction that fills your heart and mind, pornography, alcohol, drugs, sex, busyness!
Idols don't have to be physical objects. Idols can live within us and they guide us into sin. Then when things go poorly or trouble arises, we are just like Israel. We appeal to God to fix it.
We all need to repent and discard the idols that live within us. We need to turn away from those idols that capture us and lead us in a direction away from God. We need to get rid of the things in our busy schedule that don't leave time to spend with our creator and first love!
What is it that captures your heart and mind?
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