The best food in the world!
I have a strange tradition. When my family draws names for our gift exchange, like most people, we write the names on slips of paper. When I draw my name, I eat the slip of paper, and I never tell anyone whose name I have drawn. They always figure it out and I have to work a little harder not to forget whose name I have. But, it has become a tradition.
I get up in the morning and spend at least an hour, or two, studying God's word. That is how I decide what to write in this blog. It's my morning meal. I love to "chew" on God's word. I always ask, "God what do you want me to know about these chapters of verses? How do you want me to apply your word to my life today? What do you want me to know, do, or change?"
As I write, I know my audience is rather small and I am ok with that. I really just write to help clarify my own thoughts. I have no delusions of reaching a large number of people. Like Ezekiel, people weren't listening to him and very few people are listening to me. But, God has still called me to eat this meal every day and take in his nourishment!
"Then I looked and saw a hand reaching out to me. It held a scroll, which he unrolled. And I saw that both sides were covered with funeral songs, words of sorrow, and pronouncements of doom. The voice said to me, 'Son of man, eat what I am giving you -- eat this scroll! Then go and give its message to the people of Israel.' So I opened my mouth, and he fed me the scroll. 'Fill your stomach with this,' he said. And when I ate it, it tasted sweet as honey in my mouth. Then he said, 'Son of man, go to the people of Israel and give them my message.'" (Ezekiel 2:9-3:4)
I am thankful God does not just call me to share funeral songs, words of sorrow, and pronouncements of doom. That is what God called Ezekiel to share. My thoughts are of sorrow, sin, and reflection, as well as joy, love, peace, grace, and mercy.
I love reading God's word. I am so blessed to be able to study them throughout the day beyond my morning personal study. My morning time in the Word has no external purpose; it is not for sermon prep, Bible study research, or any other reason except to chew on God's Word to bury it in my heart. I want God's word to be a part of me, deep inside my soul. I want it to transform me each day. I want it to change the person I am into the person God wants me to be.
"As I learn your righteous regulations, I will thank you by living as I should! I will obey your decrees. Please don't give up on me! How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word. I have tried hard to find you -- don't let me wander from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. I praise you, O Lord; teach me your decrees." (Psalm 119:7-12)
Are you chewing on God's word today?
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