No compassion for Losers!

 Sadly, showing compassion for our enemies or those who disagree with us is not a regular occurrence. I see a lot of gloating when our enemies are soundly defeated. This is true with politics, sports teams, and in other areas of life. There are not too many people who win with grace! I feel it is more normal to say, "I told you so." instead of saying, "I am sorry for your loss, how can I make it easier on you!" Can you imagine what would happen in a political campaign if the political winner reached out in utter sincerity to their defeated opponent? It just doesn't happen.

It's nothing new. The nation of Ammon cheered when Jerusalem was defeated and when the Temple was destroyed, and they laughed at Judah being sent into exile. God dealt with them harshly:

"Give the Ammonites this message from the Sovereign Lord: Hear the word of the Sovereign Lord! Because you cheered when my Temple was defiled, moved Israel in her desolation, and laughed at Judah as she went into exile, I will allow nomads from the eastern deserts to overrun your country. They will set up their camps among you and pitch their tents on your land. They will harvest all your fruit and drink the milk of your livestock. And I will turn the city of Rabbah into a pasture for camels, and all the land of the Ammonites into a resting place for sheep and goats. Then you will know that I am the Lord." (Ezekiel 25:3-5)

The Yankees beat the Giants yesterday with a comeback in the top of the 9th inning after being down two runs. I really felt for the Giants, who played a great game, really outplayed the Yankees, and deserved to win. 

When I think of those who die without knowing the Lord or those who go through life without knowing the peace that only God can give, I mourn for them. Even during tough times, God grants a peace that is unexplainable. My life is far from perfect, and God doesn't promise a perfect life. We all face challenges, and I am greatly saddened when people struggle and have no place to turn for hope. Instead of thinking they get what they deserve, I often remember that I deserve that exact same judgment. I praise God that he has granted me his mercy and grace. I pray that all people will experience that Love, Grace, and Mercy. Turn to the Lord, please! It makes a difference in the here and now while also promising a future that is beyond explanation in eternity!
