God, you want me to do WHAT?


Have you ever wondered if God was making a mistake? The thought can't last long when you realize that God doesn't make mistakes. He is perfect. His plans are perfect and he CAN NOT make mistakes. The Creator of the Universe, my God, my savior, has a perfect plan and that plan sometimes includes some pretty crazy things. Look at Mary and Joseph from Matthew 1. Mary mysteriously gets pregnant and poor Joseph is bewildered. He decides to quietly cancel his marriage plans when he gets a visit:

"As he considered this and angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. "Joseph, son of David," the angel said, "do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:20,21)

The Bible does not record Joseph's immediate thoughts. But, I am guessing it was something like, "You want me to do WHAT?" 

Have you ever had that response with God? I certainly have. When Stephanie and I retired from teaching 5 years ago and God took us on this wonderful journey, WE thought we knew God's plans. Yes, we said we just wanted to be open to God's call, but in reality, we had plans and just wanted God to join in the plan!" Then he brought us, through an amazing turn of events, to Bluffton, Indiana. 

AND NOW, here we are leading discipleship groups in a ministry that has completely filled our schedule and we are thinking about starting a church. WHAT? 

I know the entire journey seems so odd and it really kind of crept up on us. This journey, like Joseph's, involved mysterious dreams and God asking us to do things that were NOT in our plans. Just call me Joseph! LOL! Or Paul? Paul was also given a completely different plan than he expected. God is wonderfully, amazingly, mysterious and although his plans are perfect, they are not always what we expect!

So here I am discipling small groups of people, sharing God's word, and living in complete wonder of our amazing Father in Heaven!

If I had any part to play in this plan, it is to listen and obey. Joseph also listened and obeyed. I think the first step is the listening. I think that is our least favorite thing to do. How many times do we just sit quietly and listen for God's voice? I think that is why he most often speaks through dreams. It is the only time we, well, SHUT-UP long enough for him to get a word in! There are few times in my waking hours that I am not trying to interrupt him and give him some of my wonderful advice! Since I created the world I should know better right? Wait, that wasn't me that created the world, I should be listening to the one who did! 

Are you taking time to listen to the Lord? Are you open to his calling, his change in your plans? Are you seeking God's face? Are you searching his word for wisdom, guidance, and all he has planned for you? 

God has a plan and I can guarantee it is something wonderfully different than your feeble attempts at a life plan! Listen to God, he is speaking and he is about to do something amazing in and through you!

"The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. Let the whole world fear the Lord, and let everyone stand in awe of him. For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command. The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lord's plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken." (Psalm 33:6-11)
