Are you looking for a Superhero!


    This is one of my 22 grandkids; well, really, he is a great-grandkid. (In actuality, all my grandkids are great! LOL.) I love watching my grandkids grow up. Their interests change from moment to moment. This one has moved from all things construction to Mario to ninja turtles and constantly floats to one obsession or another. However, since we saw him last week, it could be Mario again or some other superhero. 

    When I was a kid, I had a pretty limited choice of superheroes. Early on in life, my options were really Superman or Batman. In the 70s, we had Steve Austin and the six million dollar man; We had David Tanner and the Hulk, Diana Prince and Wonder Woman, the A-Team, and I am sure there were others. I have completely lost touch with television over the latter part of my life. Now I am a PUREFLIX binge-watcher inserted between my Yankees baseball and IU Sports. I couldn't tell you who the popular superheroes are today unless I am given a lesson from my grandkids. 

    Who is your Superhero? I have asked this question before, and many emphatically name Jesus. I get it. If your definition of a superhero is someone who rescues us from imminent danger, Jesus fits that definition perfectly. But, I have also heard people talk about, even debate, which Superhero power would you like to have the most. We often associate Superheroes with superpowers. Hulk had his super strength, Superman had his x-ray vision, flying, and super strength. As I was reading John chapter 2 today, we get to see Jesus perform the first of many "superhero" acts. I say that with reluctance because Jesus is way more than a Superhero to me and his miracles are more than superpowers!

    "Standing nearby were six stone water jars, used for Jewish ceremonial washing. Each could hold twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told the servants, 'Fill the jars with water.' When the jars had been filled, he said, 'Now dip some out, and take it to the master of ceremonies.' So the servants followed his instructions.

    When the master of ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though, of course, the servants knew), he called the bridegroom over. 'A host always serves the bests wine first,' he said, 'Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine, but you have kept the best until now!'

    This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory. And his disciples believed in him." (John 2:6-11, NLT)

    In some minds, Jesus was the superhero, he saved the day! All through Jesus' ministry, Jesus performed miraculous signs. Most of his "miracles" were restoring creation to the way it was meant to be. (This miraculous sign was an exception) When he restored sight, made the deaf hear, made the lame walk, and brought the dead back to life, those were way more than the use of some superpower. These acts demonstrated God's glory and his power over creation. His signs and wonders were a hint of what this life was supposed to be like before Adam and Eve introduced sin into the world.

    People, even his disciples, believed BECAUSE they had seen a miracle. Is that why YOU believe? Later on in John 2, Jesus is asked to perform more miraculous signs. First Century Israel viewed him more as a superhero than the Messiah. What about you? Why do you believe? Are you only looking for a miracle? When people ask me why I believe, I am quick to point to the miracles I have seen Jesus perform in my own life. And, yes, those are real, and they are powerful. Yet, I believe Jesus is so much more than a Superhero. The miraculous signs of the Bible and the miraculous signs within my own life are overwhelming evidence that God is creator, and that for some crazy reason, he loves me. He sent his son to die for me, and he has rescued me from sure death so that I might live with him in eternity. 

    I understand he might fit the definition of a superhero, and if you are looking for a superhero, someone to rescue you from death, Jesus is the only choice. But, He is so much more! Believe in Him, not because of what He has done, the miraculous signs and wonders; believe in Him because of who He is!

    "For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor, David, for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven's Armies will make it happen!" (Isaiah 9:6-7)
