Doing what you love!
This week I was contacted about preaching at a church the next couple of weeks. It was the first time I have been offered the chance to preach and turned it down. It was hard to do. I will be out of town the next couple of Sundays and just can’t do it. For some strange reason that I cannot put my finger on, I love to preach. The reason it is so strange is that preaching is also somewhat terrifying. I have so much respect for those pastors that get up and preach every single week. The time of prayer, study, prayer, research, prayer, and writing that goes into a sermon can be somewhat stressful. Did you catch that? PRAYER, PRAYER, PRAYER. I have this great fear when preaching that I won’t get it right, that “I” will get in the way of what God wants to say to the congregation that is gathered to hear a word from God. But, I love how the power of God always works. Not that I haven/t given a bad message. I have gone back and read some of my former transcripts and kind of cringe. I can truly say I love preaching, even with the challenges it poses.
As I was reading Matthew 10 today, I put myself in the place of the twelve disciples when Jesus sent them out.
“Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: ‘Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, but only to the people of Israel — God’s lost sheep. Go announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received.’” (Matthew 10:5-8)
I can’t imagine the excitement and terror that filled these twelve men. When I put a message together I am always hoping it will transform someone’s life. Maybe someone will make the ultimate decision to follow Jesus. That is my greatest desire. But, in this story recorded by Matthew, look at the expectations Jesus had for these students of his. Raising the Dead, healing, casting out demons? Wow! That is a powerful list of outcomes. Sometimes I am just happy not to bore anyone to sleep! LOL!
What has God called you to do? I feel called to preach. I love it when I am fulfilling that calling. I get to share God’s word in one setting or another eight times during every week. Preparing, studying, digging for the meaning behind the word of God is such a blessing, I cannot get enough. The joy of being able to share via the power of the Holy Spirit is something I cannot even truly express in words. I thank the Lord for every opportunity and can’t wait for the next chance to stand in front of a gathering of his people, something that has happened consistently over the last two thousand years.
But, what about you? Have you responded to the call God has given you. God has given you your specific passions to be used for his glory. Are you doing that? If you love to do something, is it God who has placed that desire in your heart. Can that passion be used for His glory? I pray God will give you the joy of serving him through your passions like he has me!
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