Don’t click that link!
There are so many scams out there on the worldwide web. A day rarely goes by that I don’t get a random text just begging me to open the link. It happens on facebook, WhatsApp, and through regular texts. I have learned NOT to click the link. But, it is so tempting! There are people out there fishing for you with ill intent. I do not open the links and I do not answer a call unless it is someone I know. So, if you call me and I do not have your number in my phone, you better leave a message.
Reading Psalm 10 today brought to mind these people who are looking to create havoc with the poor, seniors, and the other unsuspecting public.
“Like lions crouched in hiding, they wait to pounce on the helpless. Like hunters they capture the helpless and drag them away in nets. Their helpless victims are crushed, they fall beneath the strength of the wicked. The wicked think, ‘God isn’t watching us! He has closed his eyes and won’t even see what we do!’” (Psalm 10:9-11)
Internet stalkers are counting on fear, intimidation, and naïveté to find their success. I got an email a couple of weeks ago that said the IRS was pursuing me. The email address of the sender gave away the scam. I get a lot of junk mail that promises riches and wealth with no effort. There is no such thing as something for nothing. OR is there?
In reality, Jesus offers us grace, mercy, and forgiveness. We have to do very little to acquire it. When you look at what we get in return for accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, it seems to good to be true. But, my experience tells me it is even better than promised. AND, I haven’t even gotten to the best part. I praise God for the gift of salvation. A gift that is undeserved and miraculous. I highly recommend you resist the urge to open the link of these online scams, but I promise you, if you choose Jesus it is even better than advertised.
AND just in case someone is reading this link who preys on the helpless, hunting them down, for wicked purposes, you cannot avoid the consequences of your actions forever.
Listen to the end of Psalm 10:
“Break the arms of these wicked, evil people! Go after them until the last one is destroyed. The Lord is king forever and ever! The godless nations will vanish from the land. Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so mere people can no longer terrify them.” (Psalm 10:15-18)
It may appear the wicked and evil of this world are winning. God is a God of truth, justice, and righteousness. They will not escape His punishment. Thank you Lord for your love and protection as we live in this evil world!
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