Changing seasons!

I recently spent a great 10 days in Florida. I was able to spend time reflecting on God’s movement in my life, personally, and to spend time seeking God’s wisdom and direction. Being in Florida reminded me of the changing of the seasons. We don’t often think of Florida having changing seasons. But it certainly does. While we were there it was a  cold, rainy 40 degrees and then before you knew it we were appreciating a sunny 75 degrees. I waited at the airport knowing I was going back to the embrace of winter in Indiana. I know some people love the changing of the seasons, not me. I love consistently sunny 75-90 degrees with plenty of sunshine and no rain. I am not sure there is a place on earth where that happens all the time. So, I tolerate the changing seasons and even embrace it.

Life is like that. One of the few constants in life is that SEASONS CHANGE. Stephanie and I got married more than 46 years ago. We went through a short season with no kids. We had a longer season raising three awesome girls. We transitioned to grand-parenting with great joy. We have loved our season of retirement before Stephanie headed back to teaching, for another short season. We have also greatly enjoyed our seasons SERVING in ministry and discipling small groups of people in their walk with Jesus. In my mind, this season could last until Jesus comes back or God takes us home. But, I have grown to expect seasons of change and in some fun, weird way, I look forward to God moving! As the weather changes, I am reminded of the great and awesome power of God. As my seasons of ministry change, I am also reminded of the power of God and that he has an amazing mysterious plan for my life.

Read these verses in Luke 13.

“Then Jesus told this story: ‘A man planted a fig tree in his garden and came again and a gain to see if there was any fruit on it, be he was disappointed. Finally, he said to his gardener,’I’ve waited three years, and there hasn’t been a single fig! Cut it down. It’s just taking up space in the garden.’ The gardener answered, ‘Sir, give it one more chance. Leave it another year, and I’ll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer. If we get figs next year, fine. If not, then you can cut it down.’” (Luke 13:6-9)

The man in this story had waited three seasons and really felt there was no growth going to occur. He thought the situation was hopeless. But, the gardener wasn’t ready to give up. In my recent season of life, I have seen great fruit and that growth greatly motivates me to plant more trees and to continue to grow an orchard! 

One of the great joys in life is watching God’s plans unfold before your eyes. The changing seasons are an exciting joy and a mystery. We can fear and even dread seasons of change, but I have found it is better to look to the change of seasons with JOY and ANTICIPATION

Who knows how God will move next! 
