Great Students!


I had a lot of fun as a teacher. Kylie and I were battling with our brooms while we were on a work project at the end of my last year of teaching. I can truly say I loved all my students, even though some of them might not have loved me. But there were some of my students that were special. Kylie was definitely one of those. They asked questions, they did what they were asked, and, yes, we had fun together. I cherish those memories.

I was thinking about this today reading chapter 3 and 4 in the book of Acts. Peter and John were a part of that close inner group of Jesus’ “students.” Jesus loved all his disciples but it is fair and accurate to say he had some that he had a special bond. It is fun watching them after Jesus rose to heaven. It is fun watching them act, speak, and teach just like Jesus taught them. 

“Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers and elders of our people, are we being questioned today because we’ve done a good deed for a crippled man? Do you want to know how he was healed? Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised form the dead. For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it says, ‘The stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.’” (Acts 4:9-11)

Do you remember when Jesus asked if they were condemning him for doing a good deed on the sabbath?

“Jesus said to the man with the deformed hand, ‘Come and stand in front of everyone.’ Then he turned to his critics and asked, ‘Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?’ But they wouldn’t answer him.” (Mark 3:3-4)

And Jesus also quoted the same scripture from Psalm 118:22, in the story of the evil farmers.

“The stone that the builders have rejected has now become the cornerstone.” (Psalm 118:22)

Peter and John had a great teacher. They were great students. They not only listened, they applied what they were taught! I wasn’t that great of a teacher, but I had some great students who loved to learn and have some fun along the way. I love watching their successes as they progress in their life. I am sure Jesus was proud of his disciples and how they carried his gospel throughout the world! Is he proud of YOU?

My question for you today:

“What kind of student are you? Do you and Jesus have that special bond where you just love being in each other’s presence? If not, why not? Maybe you should change that today. Commit your life to him, dedicate time to him in prayer, study, and worship. That bond will grow and maybe YOU will start mimicking Jesus when you go out into the world!
