It’s worth the Risk!
Some say riding a motorcycle is risky. Yes, it certainly can be. There are hazards out there that make it dangerous. People texting or distracted by many different sources is a good example of a hazard and when riding a motorcycle that can lead to terrible accidents. There are also some motorcyclists who don’t weigh the risks involved and ride like crazy men. When I ride my motorcycle I take every precaution to reduce the risk. I am more aware of my surroundings than when I drive a car. I am more cautious in my driving, like not following so close, watching more for hazards and watching other drivers. But, yes, there is still a risk. As I have grown older I am more open to taking risks sharing the Gospel of Jesus.
I was reading the gospel of Mark this morning and Joseph of Arimathea briefly enters the story:
“This all happened on Friday, the day of preparation, the day before the Sabbath. As evening approached, Joseph of Arimathea took a risk and went to Pilate and asked for Jesus body. (Joseph was an honored member of the high council, and he was waiting for the Kingdom of God to come.) (Mark 15:43)
This man was a follower of Jesus on the prestigious Sanhedrin. We have no idea if he defended Jesus or stood up for him prior to this moment with Pilate. If he did, it was not recorded. But, here in a very public way, he made a bold move. He stood up for Jesus and if we exclude him and his contribution to the story, how does the resurrection occur? He had the tomb of a rich man cut into the hill side and had a huge stone ready to be rolled in front to seal the tomb. We needed that tomb. We needed that huge stone to fit into the greatest story ever told.
Joseph of Arimathea took a risk. We don’t know the outcome of that risk, but I am guessing he lost everything for taking that risk. He didn’t have to make the sacrifice. He chose to put himself at risk for Jesus.
Have you ever taken a risk for Jesus or are you about playing it safe? Most of the time we take risks that are very selfish in nature. We only take risks if it has a possibility of benefiting us. I am more than willing to take a risk sharing Jesus with a biker. I am more open to taking the risk when asking someone if I can pray for them. I am more than willing to take the risk asking a stranger if they know Jesus. That hasn’t always been the case. But, the risks have proven them selves worth it many, many times. Maybe we should ALL start taking risks for the Kingdom, being bold, open, and standing up for Jesus!
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